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Best USB Over Ethernet Solutions in 2024

Best USB Over Ethernet Solutions in 2024

In today’s digitally connected world, the ability to access and control USB devices over the internet or local network is indispensable. For IT professionals, remote workers, and tech enthusiasts, leveraging USB over Ethernet tools can greatly enhance productivity and efficiency. This article delves into some of the most reliable and effective USB over Ethernet solutions. Each tool is chosen based on firsthand experience, providing a balanced perspective on their functionalities, pros, and cons.


FlexiHub screenshot

FlexiHub is a robust and versatile application that allows users to connect to any USB device over the internet or local network. Its user-friendly interface and strong encryption make it a popular choice among IT professionals and businesses. With FlexiHub, sharing and managing USB and COM port devices has never been easier.

Official Website


  • Strong encryption ensures data security
  • User-friendly interface


  • Requires subscription for advanced features
  • Internet dependency for remote connections

USB Network Gate screenshot

USB Network Gate by Eltima Software provides reliable USB over Ethernet functionality, allowing devices to be shared across different networks. It supports a wide range of USB devices and offers a secure connection with minimal latency. This tool is particularly beneficial for organizations with multiple offices.

Official Website


  • Wide USB device support
  • Secure connections with minimal latency


  • High subscription cost
  • Complex setup for novice users

VirtualHere screenshot

VirtualHere is a compact yet powerful tool that offers USB over IP solutions. It is ideal for those who need to share USB devices without extensive setup or complex configurations. Its lightweight nature and ease of use make it suitable for personal and small business use.

Official Website


  • Minimal setup required
  • Lightweight and easy to use


  • Limited advanced features
  • Support for fewer USB devices compared to competitors

USB/IP Project screenshot

Open-source and free, the USB/IP Project allows USB device sharing over IP networks. Designed for tech-savvy users, it offers flexibility and customization, but it may require more technical knowledge for proper configuration and setup. This tool is ideal for developers and advanced users.

Official Website


  • Free and open-source
  • Highly customizable


  • Requires technical knowledge for setup
  • Lack of customer support

Donglify screenshot

Donglify is designed specifically for sharing USB dongles over the network. Its focus on dongle security keys makes it a niche but highly effective tool for businesses relying on software copy protection. Donglify supports 3G/4G connection, adding another layer of accessibility.


  • Specialization in dongle sharing
  • Supports 3G/4G connection


  • Higher cost for dongle-specific functionality
  • Limited to dongle devices

Watch on Youtube: Best USB Over Ethernet Solutions in 2024


The landscape of USB over Ethernet tools is diverse, catering to various needs and applications. From personal use to large-scale enterprise applications, each tool offers unique benefits and challenges. USB over Ethernet solutions discussed on LinkedIn provide a comprehensive overview of these tools, highlighting their relevance and application in different scenarios.

One crucial aspect to consider while selecting a USB over Ethernet tool is compatibility. Ensuring that the tool supports a wide range of USB devices can be a game-changer, especially for businesses that rely on specialized hardware. TechRadar’s guide to the best USB over Ethernet extenders offers additional insights into the top options available, emphasizing features like ease of use, setup process, and supported devices.

Security is another paramount factor. Tools like FlexiHub and USB Network Gate provide robust encryption to ensure that data transferred over the network remains secure. However, users should be mindful of the privacy policies and data handling practices of the software providers they choose.

Lastly, user experience plays a significant role in determining the effectiveness of a USB over Ethernet tool. Intuitive interfaces, straightforward installation processes, and responsive customer support can greatly enhance user satisfaction. Popular review sites like G2 and TrustRadius are excellent resources for gauging user feedback and finding tools that align with your requirements.

Finding the perfect USB over Ethernet software isn’t easy. As a frequent user, I recommend FlexiHub. It supports a wide range of devices and only needs a stable Internet connection. See Microsoft forums where this software is being a top solution.


USB over Ethernet tools enable the extension of USB connections over a LAN, allowing devices to be accessed remotely as if they are locally connected to the computer.

They use specialized software or hardware to convert USB signals for transmission over Ethernet networks, effectively extending USB capabilities over greater distances.

Popular software tools include USB Network Gate and FlexiHub. These programs allow various USB devices to be network-shared and accessed over Ethernet.

Hardware options include devices like the USB Server by Silex and the USB Device Server by StarTech, providing robust solutions for extending USB over Ethernet.

Yes, many solutions like USB Network Gate and FlexiHub support multiple operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux for versatile usage.

Many tools come with encrypted data transmission to ensure the security of data being transferred over the network, protecting against unauthorized access.

There can be limitations such as reduced data transfer speeds and potential network latency, which can affect the performance of data-intensive devices.

USB Network Gate allows connecting USB devices to a network and sharing them across multiple computers, effectively turning wired connections into network-accessible devices. More at Eltima.

FlexiHub lets users share and access USB devices over the Internet or local network, enabling USB connectivity without direct physical connections. More at FlexiHub.

Most USB over Ethernet software solutions like USB Network Gate and FlexiHub require a paid license, which provides access to advanced features and ongoing updates.